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Therapeutic Perspectives On Working With Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients

1st Edition
0335203337 · 9780335203338
Following the success of Pink Therapy (1996 Open University Press) as a practical guide for therapists, counsellors and others in related professions working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients in affirmative ways, this volume is the first to addr… Read More
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Notes on Contributors
Analytical psychology
Cognitive-behavioural therapy
Existential-phenomenological therapy
Gay, lesbian and bisexual therapy and its supervision
Neuro-linguistic programming
Person-centred therapy
Psychoanalytic therapy
Social constructionist and systemic therapy
Transactional analysis
Following the success of Pink Therapy (1996 Open University Press) as a practical guide for therapists, counsellors and others in related professions working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients in affirmative ways, this volume is the first to address how this can be approached from ten of the major therapeutic perspectives. Each approach is discussed with regard to its historical and theoretical relationship to these client groups and how the approach can be beneficial or negative. Guidelines for using the perspective supportively or practically are given, along with references for further study. The volume marks an important step in the dialogue between theoretical approaches and in the future development of, and debate about, these increasingly important fields in contemporary therapy.