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Study Skills for Business and Management Students

1st Edition
0335228542 · 9780335228546
This practical handbook is an essential course companion for business and management students at degree level. It contains case studies, exercises, tips and self-assessment tools that will help students with their personal and professional develop… Read More
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Editor’s preface


Chapter 1. Introduction
Getting started on your degree programme
What do you study on a business or management degree?
Subjects NOT covered in this book
Topics covered in this book

Chapter 2. Personal management skills
Identifying your skills
Becoming organised
Managing your time
Looking after yourself
Managing your emotions
Gaining help and support.

Chapter 3. Different approaches to becoming a success in the workplace
Overview of theories of learning
Becoming a reflective learner
Making the most of different learning opportunities
Developing your portfolio

Chapter 4. Studying at university
Tutor-centred and student-centred approaches to teaching and learning
Making the most of lectures
Contributing to seminars
Using e-learning
Getting the most out of tutorials
Independent Study
Experiential Learning
Working on case studies
Inquiry-based learning (IBL)
Action learning
Learning and developing using a learning journal

Chapter 5. Finding and using business and management information
The production and dissemination of knowledge
Searching and finding business and management information
Identifying and selecting relevant information
Academic reading skills
References and referencing

Chapter 6. Assessment
Online assessment activities
Assignments – essays or reports or case studies
Oral exams or viva voce examinations
Learning journals
Plagiarism and other forms of cheating

Chapter 7. Planning and carrying out your project, dissertation or independent study
Project management
Getting the most out of supervision sessions
Working with public or private sector organisations
Getting started and identifying your topic
Writing your research proposal
Identifying your research approach
Research methodologies and methods
Writing up.

Chapter 8. Working in Groups
Reasons for using group work
Effective student groups
Organising and getting the most out of meetings
Working in diverse groups
Virtual groups
Common problems in group work
Managing the emotional aspects of group work

Chapter 9. Professional experience and study abroad
Professional experience
Study abroad
Assessing the professional experience or study abroad experiences

Chapter 10. Where do I go from here?”
Gaining Employment
What do you want to do next?
Searching for employment opportunities
Developing your career as a reflective manager
Keeping in touch- professional networks
Further study

This practical handbook is an essential course companion for business and management students at degree level.

It contains case studies, exercises, tips and self-assessment tools that will help students with their personal and professional development. The book covers key areas, such as:

  • Learning and teaching methods
  • Study strategies
  • Time management
  • Research methods
  • Assessment activities
  • Exam techniques
  • Job searching
And it also emphasizes the skills that are key for business and management courses, which include:
  • Academic writing
  • Critical and reflective thinking
  • Effective communication
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Project management
  • Research skills
  • Team working
Study Skills for Business and Management Students has been carefully structured to be used throughout a degree course in order to hone the skills necessary to get a good degree and begin a successful career.

An accompanying website has more information on related careers with up-to-date web links.