Reading list collections for libraries and departments
The Reading List Collection from McGraw Hill and Open University Press have been created to help provide easy access to the core textbooks and recommended reading your students need to be successful on their courses.
Choose from our existing collections, or create your own bespoke collection of Open University Press titles, tailored to fit the needs of your Library or institution. Current collections include: Education, Health & Social work, Study & Research skills, Psychology, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Nursing and Coaching.
Library subscription
These collections are available via subscription access for your university's library.
Bespoke collection
Choose from our existing collections, or create your own bespoke collection of Open University Press titles, tailored to fit the needs of your department, institution or library.
Browse our subject catalogues:
Business, Management and Marketing
Accounting, Finance and Economics
Counselling & Psychotherapy
Digital Tools for Student Success
Health and Social Welfare