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ISE Lab Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Care

12th Edition
1260093026 · 9781260093025
This lab manual emphasizes the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology for students preparing to enter the allied health field. Students are led through a series of exercises that allow them to learn basic microbiology techniques and practice saf… Read More
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1. The Microscope
2. Handling and Examining Cultures
3. Simple Stains, Hanging Drop, and Wet-Mount Preparations
4. Gram Stain
5. Acid-Fast Stain
6. Culture Media
7.  Streaking Technique to Obtain Pure Cultures
8. Subculture Techniques
9. Moist and Dry Heat
10. The Autoclave
11. Disinfectants
12. Antimicrobial Agent Susceptibility Testing and Resistance
13. Primary Media for Isolation of Microorganisms
14. Some Metabolic Activities of Bacteria
15. Activities of Bacterial Enzymes
16. Antigen Immunoassays for Detection and Identification of Microogranisms
17. Principles of Nucleic Acid Assays for Multiplex Syndrome Panel Testing for the Diagnosis of Infectious Disease 
18. Principles and Applications of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for the Rapid Identification of Bacteria and Fungi
19. Streptococci
20. Streptococci, Pneumococci, and Enterococci
21. Haemophilus, Corynebacteria, and Bordetella
22. Clinical Specimens from the Respiratory Tract
23. The Enterobacteriaceae (Enteric Bacilli) and Other Clinically Important Gram-Negative Bacilli
24. Clinical Specimens from the Intestinal Tract
25. Urine Culture Techniques
26. Neisseria and Spirochetes
27. Clinical Specimens from Blood
28. Anaerobic Bacteria
29. Mycobacteria
30. Mycoplasmas, Rickettsiae, Chlamydiae, Viruses, and Prions
31. Fungi:Yeasts and Molds
32. Protozoa and Animal Parasites
33. Serodiagnosis of Infectious Disease
34. Principles and Practices of Infection Prevention

This lab manual emphasizes the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology for students preparing to enter the allied health field. Students are led through a series of exercises that allow them to learn basic microbiology techniques and practice safety in the laboratory and hospital environment. It is primarily oriented toward meeting the interests and needs of those who will be directly involved in patient care and wish to learn how microbiological principles should be applied in the practice of their professions.

The authors articulate the purposes and function of the clinical microbiology laboratory in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Exercises illustrate the nature of laboratory procedures used for isolation and identification of infectious agents as well as the principles of asepsis, disinfection and sterilization. The role of the health professional is highlighted in regard to the appropriate collection of clinical specimens and application of aseptic and disinfectant techniques as they relate to patient care.

Additions have been made throughout the text to emphasize the role of the clinical microbiology laboratory in effective and efficient patient care.
New color photos have been added and figures added or replaced to enhance the students visual learning experience.
LearnSmart Labs! Fueled by LearnSmart, LearnSmart Labs is a highly realistic and adaptive simulated lab experience that allows students to "do and think" like a scientist. Icons have been incorporated throughout the manual and in the TOC where there is a relevant exercise that correlates to LearnSmart Labs.
The complete genus and species names of organisms have been added to Results tables, to help students become familiar with the correct nomenclature.
Reminders about appropriate labeling of culture plates and tubes have been emphasized throughout.
Emphasis on the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology for students entering the allied health professions. The authors have emphasized the purposes and function of the clinical microbiology laboratory in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The exercises illustrate as simply as possible the nature of laboratory procedures used for isolation and identification of infectious agents, as well as the principles of asepsis, disinfection, and sterilization.
