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ISE eBook Online Access for Medical Coding Certification Exam Preparation

2nd Edition
1260290417 · 9781260290417
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Unit One: Fundamental Coding GuidelinesChapter One: The Certified Professional CoderChapter Two: Foundations of ICD-10-CMChapter Three: ICD-10-CM Chapter-Specific GuidelinesChapter Four: Foundations of CPTUnit 1 ExamUnit Two: Coding for Evaluation and Management (E/M), Anesthesia, and Surgery SectionChapter Five: Evaluation and ManagementChapter Six: AnesthesiaChapter Seven: Surgery SectionUnit 2 ExamUnit Three: Coding for Surgical Procedures on Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, and Cardiovascular/Lymphatic SystemsChapter Eight: Integumentary SystemChapter Nine: Surgery Section: Musculoskeletal SystemChapter Ten: Surgery Section: Respiratory SystemChapter Eleven: Surgery Section: Cardiovascular and Lymphatic SystemsUnit 3 ExamUnit Four: Coding for Surgical Procedures on Digestive, Urinary, Male and Female Reproductive Systems, Maternity Care, Nervous System, and Eyes, Ears, and Endocrine SystemChapter Twelve: Surgery Section: Digestive SystemChapter Thirteen: Surgery Section: Urinary System and Male Reproductive SystemChapter Fourteen: Surgery Section: Female Reproductive System and Maternity Care and DeliveryChapter Fifteen: Surgery Section: Nervous SystemChapter Sixteen: Surgery Section: Eyes, Ears, and Endocrine SystemUnit 4 ExamUnit Five: Coding for Radiology, Pathology/Laboratory, General Medicine, HCPCS Category II and III, and Practice ManagementChapter Seventeen: RadiologyChapter Eighteen: Pathology/LaboratoryChapter Nineteen: MedicineChapter Twenty: HCPCS Level II: Category II and Category III CodesChapter Twenty-One: Practice ManagementUnit 5 ExamAppendix A: Final Exam: ICD-10-CM GlossaryCreditsIndex
