A one-stop solution for English for Academic Purposes
EAP: Skills for Success is a one-stop solution blending engaging and innovative EAP resources (with integrated reading, writing, listening and speaking content) with an enhanced and extended suite of tools to effectively develop essential study skills in university students taking EAP or blended EAP and skills development modules.
Engaging Language Content
EAP: Skills for Success combines 35 years of class-tested content and effective pedagogy in the New Interactions series with innovative and personalised digital resources.
The engaging and interactive content progresses through CEFR levels B1+ to B2+ (IELTS 5-6.5) and/or B2+ to C1 (IELTS 6.5 -7.5), ensuring a fit for all your students.
Study Skills
We understand that you often need to supplement your EAP content with additional resources designed to improve academic study skills which can be time-consuming to source and provide a disjointed experience for your students.
We built EAP: Skills for Success to directly meet these needs by taking our EAP content further. We have extended coverage to include everything from typical EAP topics such as note-taking and essay writing to essential university and life skills including employability, emotional intelligence, stress management and self-advocacy.
You’ll find exercises, questions and activities devoted to the development of critical thinking, reading, writing and analysis skills.
Within EAP: Skills for Success, you’ll also find interactive, role-playing simulations which allow students to support a virtual classmate to work through real-life challenges which boost 21st century skills such as communication and collaboration.
LMS Integration
We know a seamless experience is important, both for you and your learners. Asking students to locate content in multiple places can be difficult to manage and less engaging. That’s why EAP: Skills for Success is set up to be fully integrated with your learning management system. Students can access all their content right within your LMS - your own content can sit right alongside everything you choose to use from our resources.
We integrate with all major LMS platforms and offer deep-integration capabilities with D2L/Brightspace, Canvas and Blackboard.
Personalised Learning
EAP: Skills for Success is built on adaptive technology that means every learner takes a personalised learning path that only provides content that is right for that student, based on their prior knowledge and confidence levels.
This personalised content has been developed around seminal learning theory such as deliberate practice and memory decay, so that the system serves up material when students are most likely to forget what they have been learning. The system has been designed to enhance student engagement and to help make their study time most efficient and effective.
EAP: Skills for Success also comes with a placement test which allows you to quickly place your students in the correct language level based on their performance.
No need to spend time supplementing your course content with material to boost students’ skills because EAP: Skills for Success already blends its EAP-focused content with exercises and activities designed to increase the development of additional critical academic and employability skills.
In addition, the majority of exercises and questions within EAP: Skills for Success are auto-graded, saving you time. You also have the option to set free-text questions and use our technology to set up rubrics to save time marking. EAP: Skills for Success is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for both you and your students.
Your learners will progress at different rates and find different concepts challenging. The reporting functionality within EAP: Skills for Success allows you to identify exactly where your students are thriving or struggling which means you can tailor your time with them around the areas that may need revisiting.
You’ll also be able to see assignment scores and time spent on activities, giving you powerful insight into their engagement and progress.
We understand that revising a course or integrating new materials or digital resources can seem stressful and time-consuming. We will work with you, hand-in-hand, to ensure a smooth set-up. We’ll make sure we’re on hand to support and guide you from start to finish.
We provide 24/7 support for you and your students, as well as personalised training or just-in-time guides to assist you.
Personalised resources to develop critical skills such as time management, note-taking and effective online learning or even developing your CV
Interactive, role-playing simulations which allow students to help a virtual classmate work through a specific real-life challenge
Flexible, modular content which allows you to structure the material to your exact needs
Talk to us about EAP: Skills for Success