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Evolving Higher Education

Virtual conference - 21st-22nd March 2023

The McGraw Hill Evolving Higher Education virtual conference 2023 is now finished.

We want to say a huge thank you to all of our inspirational speakers as well as all of the attendees who brought the sessions further to life through their engagement. 

We hope that this conference has contributed to the conversation about the future of HE in leaving our delegates with plenty of food for thought as well as possibly some practical ideas and strategies that they can take back into their institutions.

If you weren't able to attend or would like to watch the sessions below, you can access the recordings of each session below.

McGraw Hill is delighted to announce a free series of virtual sessions across the 21st and 22nd of March looking into a variety of topics that are particularly relevant in Higher Education today - from EDI and sustainability to assessment, student engagement and employability.  For these sessions we'll be bringing in authors, school leaders, academics and senior leaders from McGraw Hill to give their perspectives and insights. Our aim is to get as much of our community together as possible to further discussion around the important matters - and ultimately contribute to the evolution of Higher Education.

You can attend as many or as few sessions as you like over the two days and we'll make recordings available to catch up with asynchronously! Simply register your interest today and you'll be able to select individual sessions within the platform nearer the time.



With 6 to 7 hours of sessions taking place over the two days, you will be able to sign up to as many or as few of the individual sessions that are of interest to you, and attend the live session online or receive the recordings afterwards.   

A conversation with Simon Allen, CEO McGraw Hill

Tuesday 21st, 11.00 - 11.45 GMT

Opening the conference, we are delighted to present our Chief Executive Officer, Simon Allen. Prior to becoming CEO of McGraw Hill in October 2019, Simon served as President of the company’s Higher Education and International business units, following a long and prestigious career in the academic publishing world. With his deep experience in creating educational content and technology tools for improved teaching and learning outcomes, and extensive global knowledge of institutions across higher education, Simon has a uniquely privileged view of today's educational landscape.

We've been shoulder to shoulder with universities for over 130 years as publishers of quality textbooks, and more recently as developers of technological solutions that enable educationalists to do things differently - to deliver multi-modal learning, incentivise and track completion of work, empower students to take responsibility for their learning journeys, all while giving them appropriate support and challenge. In this session we'll look at some of the biggest challenges and opportunities shaping our business as we continue to evolve, alongside you, to help you achieve your goals as instructors and leaders, and ultimately help students reach their potential.

New Session Announced!

Revolutionising Higher Education: Chat GPT and the Future of Learning  

Tuesday 21st, 14.30 -15.30 GMT

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we live and work, and higher education is no exception. With the help of AI, universities and colleges are now able to enhance their educational offerings, streamline administrative processes, and improve student outcomes. In this session, we will explore the use of AI and Chat GPT in particular in higher education and its potential benefits and challenges.


  • Chair: Geeta Chandolia, Marketing Director, McGraw Hill UK/I & NECE
  • Steve Stalzer, VP Applied AI, McGraw Hill
  • Chris Kubiak, Associate Head of School, The Open University
  • Dominik Lukeš, Assistive Technology Officer at the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Oxford.

Panel: Widening access, participation and representation: how to take meaningful action on EDI.

Wednesday 22nd, 13.00 - 14.00 GMT

In this session we'll be looking at how Middlesex University has put intentionality at the heart of their strategy, conducting research with students to determine where they could improve and working to make concrete changes to address imbalances or gaps within university provision but also with an eye to society at large. 


  • Chairs: Rachel Mill, Senior Manager of Customer Marketing and Global Programmes McGraw Hill International, and Laura Pacey, Product Director McGraw Hill UKI/I & NECE
  • Dr. Sandra Appiah, Dept. Natural Sciences, Middlesex University
  • Dr. Deeba Gallacher, Head of Academic Practice Development, Middlesex University

The sustainability imperative: how does HE need to change and how can it impact a societal shift?

Tuesday 21st, 13.15 - 14.15 GMT

We've all become more aware of the impact of our actions on the world around us -  but undoing the habits of a lifetime or even recognising where we could make improvements isn't straightforward. In this session we look at how universities as a whole could become more sustainable, as well as how they can lead the charge in shaping attitudes.


  • Chair: Katrin Muff, Professor of Practice, Luiss Business School
  • Alice Aldous, Senior Head of Product, Higher Education Markets, McGraw Hill UK/I & NECE
  • Jan Beyne, Sustainable Transformation Lab, Antwerp Management School
  • Theo Ammari Allahyari, Senior Lecturer in Academic Development, University of Sunderland in London
  • Lorenzo Lotti, Associate Professor in Economics of Energy and the Environment, UCL

Using data analytics to inform teaching and learning - working smarter not harder.

Wednesday 22nd, 2.30 - 3.30 GMT

The concept of using data to feed back into teaching is hardly new, but the increasing use of technology in the classroom offers ease and opportunity like never before. How can you draw on the available data not only to understand where your class is but also to help them take control of their own learning?


  • Chair: Rachel Mill, Senior Manager, Customer Marketing and Global Programmes, McGraw Hill International
  • Donal Palcic,  Senior Lecturer in Economics and Assistant Dean of the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick.
  • Bo van der Rhee, Professor of Operations Management at Nyenrode Business University

The future of assessment - balancing rigour with meaning, proportionality and pedagogy.  

Wednesday 22nd, 10.30 to 11.30 GMT

There's been a lot of discussion around traditional summative assessment in recent years. What is its purpose and who does it serve? While there is certainly a need for some sort of assessment and accreditation system, how can we use it to better support the needs of students and employers? 


  • Chair: Wes Hallam, Customer Success Manager McGraw Hill UK/I & NECE
  • Angela Short, Lecturer, Programme Director and Industry Placement Supervisor, Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • George Hulene, Professor of Finance and Associate Head of School for Student Experience, Coventry University
  • Alex Janes, Senior Lecturer of Strategy, University of Exeter

From Gen Z to Gen Alpha: Using technology to cultivate engaged, effective learners. 

Wednesday 22nd, 11.45 - 12.45 GMT

In a world of digital distractions and evolving student expectations, how can instructors keep future generations of students engaged and motivated with their studies? In this session, we'll look at how technology-enhanced learner-centric methodologies can help shape strong learners. 


  • Chair: Ros Letellier, Portfolio Marketing Manager McGraw Hill UK/I & NECE
  • Marie Meskell, Senior Academic Consultant McGraw Hill and Senior Instructional Designer  
  • Carmel Davies, Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, UCD
  • Laura Trinchera, Associate Professor of Statistics at NEOMA 

Giving students the skills they need for professional success in a rapidly changing world

Tuesday 21st, 12.00 -13.00 GMT

With automation, AI and emerging technologies radically altering the face and shape of the job market, how can you best prepare your students to succeed in their careers? We'll discuss what skills and attitudes students can develop to give them the competitive edge.


  • Chair: Robyn McKenna, Regional Business Director, McGraw Hill UK/I & NECE
  • Alexandra Mihai, Assistant Professor of Innovation in Higher Education, Maastricht University.
  • Kate Daubney, Director of the Careers Group, University of London
  • John Lees, Career Coach and best-selling author

Where next?

Find out more about how McGraw Hill could help support you and your institution to address the challenges - and maximise the opportunities - currently facing Higher Education, and prepare for the future. 


Tuesday 21st March


11.00 - 11.45 A conversation with Simon Allen, McGraw Hill CEO.
12.00 -13.00 Giving students the skills they need for professional success in a rapidly changing world.
13.15 - 14.15 The sustainability imperative: how does HE need to change and how can it impact a societal shift?
14.30 - 15.30 Revolutionising Higher Education: Chat GPT and the Future of Learning.

Wednesday 22nd March


10.00 -10.15 A welcome from Robyn McKenna, Regional Business Director, McGraw Hill 
10.30 to 11.30 
The future of assessment - balancing rigour with meaning, proportionality and pedagogy. 
11.45 - 12.45 From Gen Z to Gen Alpha: Using technology to cultivate engaged, effective learners. 
13.00 - 14.00 Widening access, participation and representation: how to take meaningful action on EDI.

14.30 - 15.30

Using Data Using data analytics to inform teaching and learning - working smarter not harder.

*Please note that the programme may still be subject to some minor changes

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