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Theory and best practice for students and practitioners

We have a large catalogue for education through our trusted Open University Press imprint, spanning Early Years, Primary and Seconday schooling, and Further and Higher Education.

Open University Press titles focus on current issues and challenges, research findings and their application, ideas for teaching, and other topics. 

You'll find a huge range of titles addressing specific areas of classroom classroom practice, like Pie Corbett and Julia Strong's Talk for Writing series and John Biggs & Catherine Tang's Teaching for Quality Learning at University, alongside more specialised titles such as Sandra Dunsmuir's Special Educational Needs, and a suite of must-haves for education leaders - including Steve Water's Cultures of Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools


one female and one male students studying together, one using a book the other a female and one male students studying together, one using a book the other a laptop.


Looking for a specific title?

Looking to buy a collection?

Need help?

Contact our academic consultant team to discuss your needs.

Your McGraw Hill account manager can help in many ways:

  • Ensuring you have the most recent edition of your title.
  • Promo codes so your students can purchase their texts directly from us at a discount.
  • Advice on other relevant texts in our catalogue.
  • Materials to encourage your students to engage with their required reading.
  • Arranging for review copies.
  • Help talking to your library about accessing Open University Press and McGraw Hill titles and economies of scale.


illustrated man and a women having a conversation in an office environmentillustrated man and a women having a conversation in an office environment

Free webinar

This webinar features Richard Race, author of 'Multiculturalism and Education' and editor of Evolving Dialogues in Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education in dialogue with Dr Maria Williams, Dr Adam Peter Lang, Dr Ada Mau and Dr Leena Robertson.

Together they reflect on why issues around cultural diversity remain very much alive and visible in both education and other social spaces – looking at topics such as decolonising the curriculum, the ins and outs of ‘Fundamental British Values’ and the Prevent duty, and how transformative pedagogy is pivotal to making ongoing progress in this area.

Create your bespoke nursing package

There's a lot on offer - so much so that it might be a little overwhelming!

We want to put learning resources into as many hands as possible, but we know that library budgets are tight and that many students are struggling with the cost of living as it is.

That’s why we offer a range of different options – from small custom eBook bundles to whole subject collections with courseware wrapped in – at a flat fee for unlimited concurrent usage with incredible economies of scale. 

Whatever your needs we can work with you to help you decide on the best package. We can link you up to our library aggregator partners for the best deal on eBook collections, help you get set up with Connect and the A&P digital suite, or simply recommend the best textbook and additional reading to match your curriculum.

Please get in touch using the form link below, and we'll get back to you to arrange a convenient time to chat about your requirements. 

Simply tick the 'Talk to an Academic Consultant' box under Reason for Contact and just write nursing when prompted for more information.


Seth Stonis, Senior eBook Account Manager & Suzzy Bailey, Account Manager for Open University Press

Connect for Anatomy and Physiology

Connect is McGraw Hill's course management and adaptive learning platform, integrating ready-made course content with assessment and tools that integrate seamlessly with your LMS.

With Connect, A&P students' engagement and retention levels will significantly boost due to the wide range of resources and activities available that will allow them to master key A&P concepts and apply them practically. Instructors can give more time and focus to teaching and student outcomes with the intuitive build and management of assignments. With this solution, instructors can implement their learning objectives more efficiently and deliver a personalised learning experience to their students.

Connect for AP infographic detailing logos of all the tools readily available.Connect for AP infographic detailing logos of all the tools readily available.

Cannot access an on-campus lab? Connect Virtual Labs is a fully online lab solution that can replace, prepare, supplement, or make labs to bridge the gap between lab and lecture.

These lab simulations help students learn the practical and conceptual skills needed to understand the lab environment. In addition, students can check their understanding of the tasks and receive instant feedback. As instructors, you can fully personalise each assignment your students are allocated, thanks to adaptive pre-lab and post-lab assessment questions.

Accessible through our ReadAnywhere app, Practice Atlas for Anatomy & Physiology is a digital resource that turns the traditional anatomy atlas into an engaging and interactive student learning tool.

You can layer images of common anatomical models with life-like human cadaver photography via the app. This activity is key to helping students perfect the art of naming structures on models and human bodies.

Bringing textbook content to life, Interactive Presentations are designed to guide students through each chapter’s key concepts and learning objects.


The Smartbook tool integrated within Connect maximises learning by helping students study more efficiently, highlighting the most important points in the chapter, asking verification questions and indicating additional resources.
More personalised - SmartBook constantly adapts to students' needs, creating a personalised learning experience.
More productive - SmartBook creates an extremely productive learning experience, focusing students' attention on the concepts they need to learn.
More prepared - SmartBook helps students prepare for lessons, allowing you to use class time more dynamically.

Taking advantage of the auto-graded, assignable material within Connect has been made so much more beneficial with the help of the analytics provided with Connect reports.

The reports which link easily with your LMS offer you data which you can customise, to easily view the information that is the most relevant to you. You can easily assess student performance, learning outcomes, at-risk students, and much more!

As a learning science company, we design products and solutions that builds up student higher-order thinking skills. Within McGraw Hill Connect®, we tag it accordingly so you can filter your search, assign it, and receive reporting on it. These content asset types can be associated with one or more levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

What our partners say...

University of Limerick

Course: Management Accounting
Instructor: Vanessa Egan
Digital Product in Use: Connect with Smartbook, Management Accounting, Seal
Number of Students: 623

Coventry University

Course: Managerial & Corporate Finance
Instructor: George Hulene
Digital Product in Use: Connect with SmartBook for Corporate Finance, Hillier
Number of Students: 220-330

American University of Paris

Course: Financial Accounting
Instructor: Professor Diane Bonneau
Product in use: Connect with Smartbook Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Philips          Number of students: 20

Feedback from our partners

“The questions in Connect are the same as the questions in the text, so it is easy to use. The students really appreciate the system because they do much better with it"

Professor Diane Bonneau, The American University of Paris, International Business Administration Department

Interested in a conversation with a peer in your discipline to get the best out of online teaching?

At McGraw Hill we are pleased to bring you our Digital Faculty Consultant Programme. The programme consists of faculty members like you, who are well versed in pedagogical best practices and online teaching tools in your discipline. Our team of DFCs can provide:

  • Insight into McGraw Hill Digital Solutions
  • Help building course/creating assignments/policy settings
  • Best Practices and Teaching Tips for Engagement and Student Success
  • Strategies for using Online, Flipped, or Face to Face classes
  • Training on how to implement McGraw Hill Digital Solutions

Talk to us about our solutions