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Foundations of Cognitive Psychology

1st Edition
0077119088 · 9780077119089
Cognitive psychology addresses many fascinating questions about memory, emotion and language: Can our identity be reduced to our memories? What are emotions for? Are we born with an innate knowledge of language? This introductory text is a concise g… Read More
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Preface Part 1: Introduction

Introduction to Cognitive Psychology History A brief introduction to neuroscience

Part 2: Basic Processes

Short term memory
Long term memory

Part 3: Complex Cognition

Concepts and formations
Reasoning and Decision Making
Problem Solving
Emotion and Cognition

Part 4: Advanced Topics

Computational Modelling
Advanced Cognitive neuroscience Consciousness
Social Cognition

Part 5: Putting it all together

Putting it all together

Cognitive psychology addresses many fascinating questions about memory, emotion and language:

Can our identity be reduced to our memories? What are emotions for? Are we born with an innate knowledge of language?

This introductory text is a concise guide to the core fundamentals of cognitive psychology, rather than an encyclopaedic volume. The authors cover a broad range of topics, using their wealth of teaching experience to select the key theories and most engaging examples. Lively and thought-provoking, this new book conveys the sense of discovery that makes the subject so exciting to study.

Clearly illustrated links between sub-topics help students develop a holistic knowledge of cognitive psychology
Chapters on emerging and dynamic topics, including: Cognition and Emotion; Social Cognition; and Consciousness.
Balance of classic and cutting edge research
Provides a simple introduction to challenging topics such as cognitive neuroscience and cognitive modelling
Rich pedagogy that will help students consolidate their learning including examples that relate cognitive psychology to everyday life