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Financial Management in Health Services

1st Edition
0335225624 · 9780335225620
Although financial management is a highly effective means of implementing key policies in health services, it tends to get little attention, being seen as a necessary but unglamorous area of management. This book shows how health care policies and pr… Read More
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Overview of the book
Introduction to financial management
Financial and management accounting
The nature of costs
The costing process
Pricing decisions in health care
The pricing process in different settings
Budgets and budgeting techniques
The budgeting process
Introduction to financial accounting
The income statement
The balance sheet
The cash flow statement
Financial and management reporting
Financial control
Accountability and regulatory control
Managing performance
Capital investment appraisal
Financial issues in project management
Although financial management is a highly effective means of implementing key policies in health services, it tends to get little attention, being seen as a necessary but unglamorous area of management. This book shows how health care policies and programmes to promote the health of the public can be supported through financial management techniques.

No formal understanding of financial systems is necessary since the book begins with the basics of costings and then goes on to examine accounting systems. The book enables the reader to understand financial performance, examine and confidently discuss financial matters, and apply the concepts in their own organization.

This book examines:

  • Management accounting
  • Financial accounting
  • Financial control and information systems

Series Editors: Rosalind Plowman and Nicki Thorogood.