Essentials of the Living World ISE

6th Edition
1260568733 · 9781260568738
George Johnson has written this non-majors textbook from the ground up to be an engaging and accessible learning tool with an emphasis on "how things work and why things happen the way they do." Essentials of The Living World focuses on concepts rath… Read More
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0 Studying Biology
Part 1 The Study of Life 
1 The Science of Biology 
Part 2 The Living Cell 
2 The Chemistry of Life 
3 Molecules of Life 
4 Cells 
5 Energy and Life 
6 Photosynthesis: Acquiring Energy from the Sun 
7 How Cells Harvest Energy from Food 
Part 3 The Continuity of Life 
8 Mitosis 
9 Meiosis 
10 Foundations of Genetics 
11 DNA: The Genetic Material 
12 How Genes Work 
13 The New Biology 
Part 4 The Evolution and Diversity of Life 
14 Evolution and Natural Selection 
15 Exploring Biological Diversity 
16 Evolution of Microbial Life 
17 Evolution of Plants 
18 Evolution of Animals 
Part 5 The Living Environment 
19 Populations and Communities 
20 Ecosystems 
21 Behavior and the Environment 
22 How Humans Influence the Living World 
Part 6 Animal Life 
23 The Animal Body and How It Moves 
24 Circulation and Respiration 
25 The Path of Food Through the Animal Body 
26 Maintaining the Internal Environment 
27 How the Animal Body Defends Itself 
28 The Nervous System 
29 Chemical Signaling Within the Animal Body 
30 Reproduction and Development 
Part 7 Plant Life 
31 Plant Form and Function 
32 Plant Reproduction and Growth

George Johnson has written this non-majors textbook from the ground up to be an engaging and accessible learning tool with an emphasis on "how things work and why things happen the way they do." Essentials of The Living World focuses on concepts rather than terminology and technical information, and features a straightforward, clear writing style and a wide variety of media assets to enhance the content of the textbook.
