Economics for Business, 6e

6th Edition
1526848139 · 9781526848130
Economics for Business now in its 6th edition remains an essential introduction to economics for business students. It provides an accessible guide to the practical uses of economics and covers topics on the global economy, GDP growth as a policy, th… Read More
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Section 1 – Introduction
1. Economics for Business

Section 2 – Understanding Markets
2. Consumers in the marketplace
3. Firms in the marketplace
4. Markets in action

Section 3 – Competition and Profitability
5. Market Structure and firm performance
6. Strategic rivalry
7. Growth strategies
8. Governing business

Section 4 – Macroeconomics
9. Introduction to the macroeconomy
10. Measuring macroeconomic variables and policy issues
11. Exchange rates and the balance of payments
12. Globalization

Section 5 – Macroeconomic Policy
13. Expenditure and fiscal policy
14. Money, banking and interest
15. Inflation, output and economic policy
16. Supply side policies and economic growth
Economics for Business now in its 6th edition remains an essential introduction to economics for business students. It provides an accessible guide to the practical uses of economics and covers topics on the global economy, GDP growth as a policy, the rise of populism and Brexit.

Key features:
• Draws on a wealth of contemporary examples to bring economic topics to life
o Fully updated case studies cover contemporary topics such as banking in the UAE, Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods, the Disney-Comcast acquisition and the proposed ASDA-Sainsbury merger.
• Key economic theories explained within the context of modern business
o Updated Business applications on issues such as mergers and acquisitions, hedging and membership of the eurozone that connects economic theories to contemporary business life.
• Equips students with a practical toolkit of economics skills for business
o Targeted chapter exercises include concept questions, calculations and graphing practice.
• Connect® resources such as algorithmic and static questions, application-based activities, graphing tutorials, maths preparedness exercises and a Testbank.

Available with McGraw-Hill Education’s Connect®, the well-established online learning platform, which features our award-winning adaptive reading experience as well as resources to help faculty and institutions improve student outcomes and course delivery efficiency. To learn more, visit 

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ISBN10: 1526848139 | ISBN13: 9781526848130

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