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EBOOK: Molecular Biology

5th Edition
007714497X · 9780077144975
Molecular Biology, 4/e by Robert Weaver, is designed for an introductory course in molecular biology. Molecular Biology 5/e focuses on the fundamental concepts of molecular biology emphasizing experimentation. In particular author, Rob Weaver, focus… Read More
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1 Introduction

1 A Brief History

2 The Molecular Nature of Genes

3 An Introduction to Gene Function

2 Methods of Molecular Biology

4 Molecular Cloning Methods

5 Molecular Tools for Studying Genes and Gene Activity

3 Transcription in Prokaryotes

6 The Mechanism of Transcription in Prokaryotes

7 Operons: Fine Control of Prokaryotic Transcription

8 Major Shifts in Prokaryotic Transcription

9 DNA-Protein Interactions in Prokaryotes

4 Transcription in Eukaryotes

10 Eukaryotic RNA Polymerases and Their Promoters

11 General Transcription Factors in Eukaryotes

12 Transcription Activators in Eukaryotes

13 Chromatin Structure and Its Effects on Transcription

5 Posttranscriptional Events

14 Messenger RNA Processing I: Splicing

15 Messenger RNA Processing II: Capping and Polyadenylation

16 Other RNA Processing Events

6 Translation

17 The Mechanism of Translation I: Initiation

18 The Mechanism of Translation II: Elongation and Termination

19 Ribosomes and Transfer RNA

7 DNA Replication, Recombination, and Transposition

20 DNA Replication I: Basic Mechanism and Enzymology

21 DNA Replication II: Detailed Mechanism

22 Homologous Recombination

23 Transposition

8 Genomes

24 Genomics and Proteomics

Molecular Biology, 4/e by Robert Weaver, is designed for an introductory course in molecular biology. Molecular Biology 5/e focuses on the fundamental concepts of molecular biology emphasizing experimentation. In particular author, Rob Weaver, focuses on the study of genes and their activities at the molecular level. Through the combination of excellent illustrations and clear, succinct writing students are presented fundamental molecular biology concepts.
