EBOOK: Genetics: Analysis and Principles

4th Edition
0077147723 · 9780077147723
Genetics: Analysis and Principles is a one-semester, introductory genetics textbook that takes an experimental approach to understanding genetics. By weaving one or two experiments into the narrative of each chapter, students can simultaneously explo… Read More
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PART I INTRODUCTION 1 Overview of Genetics? PART II PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE 2 Mendelian Inheritance?? 3 Reproduction and Chromosome Transmission?? 4 Extensions of Mendelian Inheritance?? 5 Non-Mendelian Inheritance?? 6 Genetic Linkage and Mapping in Eukaryotes?? 7 Genetic Transfer and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages? 8 Variation in Chromosome Structure and Number?? PART III MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF THE GENETIC MATERIAL 9 Molecular Structure of DNA and RNA?? 10 Chromosome Organization and Molecular Structure?? 11 DNA Replication?? PART IV MOLECULAR PROPERTIES OF GENES 12 Gene Transcription and RNA Modification?? 13 Translation of mRNA?? 14 Gene Regulation in Bacteria and Bacteriophages?? 15 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes?? 16 Gene Mutation and DNA Repair?? 17 Recombination and Transposition at the Molecular Level?? PART V GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES 18 Recombinant DNA Technology?? 19 Biotechnology?? 20 Genomics I: Analysis of DNA?? 21 Genomics II: Functional Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics? PART VI GENETIC ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUALS AND POPULATIONS 22 Medical Genetics and Cancer?? 23 Developmental Genetics?? 24 Population Genetics?? 25 Quantitative Genetics?? 26 Evolutionary Genetics??
Genetics: Analysis and Principles is a one-semester, introductory genetics textbook that takes an experimental approach to understanding genetics. By weaving one or two experiments into the narrative of each chapter, students can simultaneously explore the scientific method and understand the genetic principles that have been learned from these experiments.
