This brand new book in statistics aims to provide an introduction to the key methods and techniques essential to a typical statistics syllabus, whilst also helping students to develop the skills needed to analyse, interpret and prepare data for use in business, economics and related disciplines. Co…
This book is a one stop guide to all your research methods needs. It is tailored specifically towards business and management courses, and central to this edition is the balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods to clearly and concisely lead students through the research process, wha…
The primary goal of Essentials of Business Statistics is to illustrate an accurate view of business statistics in a way that students can easily understand. This is achieved in the following ways:
New statistical topics and tools are introduced by using continuing case studies. This approach help…
The 8th edition of Lind/Marchal/Wathen: Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, is a step-by-step approach that enhances student performance, accelerates preparedness and improves motivation for the student taking a business statistics course. The main objective of the text is to provide studen…
The 4th Edition of Applied Statistics in Business & Economics provides real meaning to the use of statistics in real world by using real business situations and real data while appealing students to know why rather than just the how. Four distinct objectives have been met to follow this premise:…