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Live Webinar - Student Engagement: Motivation and Active Learning

Thriving in today's changing education landscape: An event for Accounting and Finance faculty

McGraw Hill is pleased to host this special live webinar in partnership with our best-selling Corporate Finance author, David Hillier and leading Accounting author Anne Marie Ward, who will share their first-hand experiences around engaging students in today's changing education landscape.

We'll be touching on topical, real-world issues such as sustainability, climate change, and big data with our panellists whilst showcasing our solutions and demonstrating ways in which our content engages students and promotes active learning.

Webinar recording

Meet the speakers

David Hillier, Associate Principal, University of Strathclyde

Professor David Hillier is Associate Principal at the University of Strathclyde and Executive Dean of Strathclyde Business School. David has responsibility for the strategic leadership of the Business School. He is also a member of the University Executive Team with strategic university-level responsibilities.

David's research interests span the areas of corporate finance, including corporate insider trading, financial technology, and corporate governance. He has won several industry awards, including the Institute of Directors Scotland Public Sector Director of the Year.  David is the author of several University textbooks and a visiting Professor at Politecnico Di Milano, Italy.

Anne Marie Ward, Professor of Accounting, Ulster University

Anne Marie Ward is a Professor of Accounting at Ulster University. She has written professional publications for their Chartered Accountants Ireland technical department and has taught their professional education courses. Professor Ward has (co)authored several academic accounting textbooks, including Finance Theory and Practice, Introduction to Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach and An Introduction to Personal Finance and Personal Finance. Her textbooks are adopted in over 40 institutions in the UK and Ireland and also have international adoptions in China, Malaysia and mainland Europe.

Professor Ward has been involved in several successful grant projects worth a total of over £100,000 and is the author of over 100 publications including academic articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Studies in Higher Education, Financial Accountability and Management and British Accounting Review. She has also authored policy research reports and chapters in peer-reviewed research texts or encyclopedias..

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18 November 2021