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Live Webinar: Solutions To Level Up Your MBA Delivery

McGraw Hill is pleased to host this webinar in partnership with our best-selling corporate finance author, David Hillier, to share first-hand experience on how he uses digital solutions to accellerate his MBA programme.

Academics are adopting a more blended or hybrid approach to their learning delivery, stepping away from the traditional one-way lecture. This way, tedious tasks such as acquiring base knowledge and definitions can be moved outside of the classroom, freeing up the instructor's time for more valuable classroom discussions.

Total MBA packages up a collection of internationally trusted business resources to help engage and inspire your students throughout their studies. This fully digital solution gives you access to course materials that build critical understanding, decision-making skills, planning, creativity and strategic thinking.

In this 30-minute interactive Zoom webinar, we will share the origin of our Total MBA product and give you a tour of the solution. There will also be time to ask David some of your burning questions in our Q&A towards the end of the session.

Meet the speakers

David Hillier, Associate Principal, University of Strathclyde

Professor David Hillier is Associate Principal at the University of Strathclyde and Executive Dean of Strathclyde Business School. David has responsibility for the strategic leadership of the Business School. He is also a member of the University Executive Team with strategic university-level responsibilities.

David's research interests span the areas of corporate finance, including corporate insider trading, financial technology, and corporate governance. He has won several industry awards, including the Institute of Directors Scotland Public Sector Director of the Year.  David is the author of several University textbooks and a visiting Professor at Politecnico Di Milano, Italy.

Garry Sheahan, Senior Academic Consultant, McGraw Hill

Garry is based in Dublin, Ireland and leads a team of Digital Academic Consultants across the Northern European region. His focus is firmly placed on the use of sophisticated online solutions to drive engagement, simplify the administration of secure online assessment and implement tools that allow for more focus on application across all disciplines.

“In 2021, we must blend the best of the old with the best of the new to create a practical, efficient and interactive learning experience for the modern student.” 

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1 October 2021