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The Challenges of Teaching MS Office Excel Skills: Strategies and Tips to Successfully Develop Your Students Online

Teaching MS Excel is challenging! Whether it be how to fit coverage into a module that is already full, or how to develop students' ability to apply their skills without adding manually graded assessment; challenges around developing Excel skills can be found in many different modules, departments and levels. With the interruption to studies and the move to emergency remote teaching during the Pandemic, educators have had to quickly adapt their teaching to a new environment, with many of the old and new challenges surfacing.

In this roundtable event, you'll hear from three expert educators (details below) who come from a variety of teaching backgrounds, who will give us deep insights into the challenges they have faced and continue to face, the successful strategies they have put in place, and areas they still find challenging.

We invite you all to join us for this event to share best practices and learn from peers from accounting, finance, business skills development modules, and beyond.

Numbers are limited due to the interactive nature of the event, so please RSVP below. Feel free to pass the invitation to your colleagues who may also be involved in either teaching Excel skills or who rely on other modules to develop the required skill levels. If you cannot attend, let us know and we can send you a recording.

Webinar Recording

Meet the speakers

Ingrid Himmelman

Business Management, College of the North Atlantic, Qatar (CNAQ)

Ingrid's passion is technology and helping organisations to use tools that will enhance their overall performance. She is currently teaching at the College of the North Altantic, Qatar, and has previously held senior management roles at Deloitte Canada and FirstOnSite Restoration. Ingrid very much looks forward to our discussion on some of the successes and challenges we have experienced teaching MS Excel online and via distance learning. 

[email protected]

Laurie O'Broin

Business Management, Teaching Fellow, Programme Leader: BSc Business Management - Level 5, University of Surrey, UK

Laurie O’Broin teaches on a range of modules including a final year ‘Globalisation of Emerging Markets’ module and a first year ‘Introduction to Excel’ module delivered to around 400 students a year. The first challenge she had to deal with during the pandemic was moving her Excel exam to an online format with a week’s notice at the start of the first lockdown in the UK. 

[email protected]

Fergal O'Brien

Lecturer in Finance and Assistant Dean, Postgraduate Studies, University of Limerick

Dr. Fergal O’Brien holds a PhD in finance from Lancaster University. Dr. O’Brien is currently working on a number of research projects including the role of tacit knowledge in organisations, corporate crime and recidivism, and risk management strategies in agriculture. He has been recognised for his teaching by being awarded the Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning as part of a University of Limerick team.

[email protected]

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19 October 2021