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Evolving Higher Education: Teaching the Nursing Student of Today
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Evolving Higher Education: Teaching the Nursing Student of Today

Date: Monday 11th December 2023  I Time: 12pm  I Duration: 60 minutes

Evolving Higher Education: Teaching the Nursing Student of Today


While we know that while Bioscience is a cornerstone of nursing degrees - many nursing students struggle with anatomy and physiology skills, especially (as evidenced by the work of Johnston et al 2015 and McVicar et al 2015) when it comes to making the leap to applying those skills in clinical situations – leading, sadly, to high rates of anxiety and failure.

In fact, according to a Nuffield Trust report in 2022, 12% of nurses fail to complete their degrees, and out of every five university nursing positions, only three full-time equivalent nurses enter the NHS.

So what can be done to tackle this problem? How can we support student nurses, make their lives easier and raise attainment in this crucial area of study?

Clear learning objectives

For the first time, instructors can look to a reliable, rigorous set of learning objectives for A & P created specifically for nurses.

Thanks to the Biosciences Quality Assurance Framework (B-QAF), BiNE, and the work of subject matter experts in Anatomy & Physiology there are now clear expectations around bioscience for nursing.  The development of a core set of clear, realistic and consistent learning outcomes specific to Nursing undergraduate programmes enables focused teaching within defined parameters, thus reducing stress for all.

The enhancing power of technology

We believe that blended learning is another potentially important element to the support equation, with a growing body of evidence that a blended approach to teaching and learning in nursing has a demonstrable impact not only on attainment but student satisfaction.

In this webinar we explore how McGraw Hill has embraced the dual pillars of clear learning objectives and blended learning, working closely with experts Dr Alison Wood from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh; Prof. Gabrielle Finn, University of Manchester; Siobhan Connolly, NHS Lothian, and Colin Chandler, University of Edinburgh, to provide instructors with an all-in-one solution to the challenges of teaching Biosciences.

We are delighted that Alison and Gabrielle are able to join us for this webinar to discuss the impact of their work.

Watch the recording:


Date: Monday 11th December 2023

Time: 12pm

Duration: 60 minutes

Meet our speakers

Dr Alison Wood, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
PhD, PG Cert Academic Practice, MSc, BN (Hons)

Dr Alison Wood is the Programme Lead on the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Health Care Professionals course at QMU. She has extensive experience in teaching and learning activities as Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer/Programme Leader in Nursing in previous and current academic posts (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University). She is involved in the supervision of postgraduate students and PhD students. As a Senior Fellow of the HEA since 2022, she obtained a grant from the Physiological Society to produce a set of learning outcomes for pre-registration nurses on physiology and supported work exploring the development of an anatomy syllabus.

Read her full bio here

Prof. Gabrielle Finn, University of Manchester

Professor Gabrielle Finn is the Vice-Dean for Teaching, Learning and Students for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. She is Professor of Medical Education in the School of Medical Sciences. Gabrielle was previously Founding Director of the Health Professions Education Unit (HPEU) and Chair of the Postgraduate Board at the Hull York Medical School (HYMS) where she worked extensively on widening access and curriculum development, including the implementation of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships into medical programmes.

Read her full bio here.

Marie Meskell, Senior Academic Consultant, McGraw Hill 

Marie Meskell is a senior academic consultant with McGraw Hill, who as part of her role works with instructors across Ireland and Scotland to successfully integrate adaptive courseware to enhance module delivery. Previously she was an academic with over 15 years of experience within a higher education setting teaching large undergraduate modules. With her experience within third level education, she is committed to the successful utilisation of adaptive courseware to support instructors to align learning outcomes with learning experiences and assessment with successful technology integration using Connect. 

Dr Alison Wood, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
PhD, PG Cert Academic Practice, MSc, BN (Hons)

Dr Alison Wood is the Programme Lead on the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Health Care Professionals course at QMU. She has extensive experience in teaching and learning activities as Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer/Programme Leader in Nursing in previous and current academic posts (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University). She is involved in the supervision of postgraduate students and PhD students. As a Senior Fellow of the HEA since 2022, she obtained a grant from the Physiological Society to produce a set of learning outcomes for pre-registration nurses on physiology and supported work exploring the development of an anatomy syllabus.

Read her full bio here

Prof. Gabrielle Finn, University of Manchester

Professor Gabrielle Finn is the Vice-Dean for Teaching, Learning and Students for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. She is Professor of Medical Education in the School of Medical Sciences. Gabrielle was previously Founding Director of the Health Professions Education Unit (HPEU) and Chair of the Postgraduate Board at the Hull York Medical School (HYMS) where she worked extensively on widening access and curriculum development, including the implementation of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships into medical programmes.

Read her full bio here.

Marie Meskell, Senior Academic Consultant, McGraw Hill 

Marie Meskell is a senior academic consultant with McGraw Hill, who as part of her role works with instructors across Ireland and Scotland to successfully integrate adaptive courseware to enhance module delivery. Previously she was an academic with over 15 years of experience within a higher education setting teaching large undergraduate modules. With her experience within third level education, she is committed to the successful utilisation of adaptive courseware to support instructors to align learning outcomes with learning experiences and assessment with successful technology integration using Connect. 

David Tree

Dr David Tree is Reader in Biosciences and Director of Teaching and Learning for Life Sciences at Brunel University London, UK, where he has taught since 2005. He is a developmental geneticist who uses Drosophila genetics to study the genetic, molecular, and cell biological mechanisms controlling patterning during embryonic development and the homeostasis of adult tissues and organs. His current work in the lab focuses on cellular reception and integration of extracellular signals to regulate cell polarity, tissue homeostasis, and aging.

Linda Stewart

Dr Linda Stewart is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s University Belfast, UK. Linda obtained both her BSc (Joint Honours) in Genetics and Microbiology (1987) and her PhD in Clinical Microbiology (1993) at Queen's University Belfast. Her PhD was based on the gut bacterium Bacteroides fragilis and investigations of its antigenic variation in clinical samples.

Angela Mousley

Professor Angela Mousley is based in the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s University Belfast, UK.

15 November 2023