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Behaviour in Schools: Theory and Practice for Teachers

3rd Edition
0335262732 · 9780335262731
Behaviour management in the classroom can be one of the most challenging aspects of teaching, but with the right approach it can be rewarding and enriching for both student and teacher. The new edition of this best selling textbook provides a systema… Read More
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Part one: Overview
The nature and causes of behavioural difficulties in schools
Styles of teaching and discipline

Part two: Controlling discipline
Overview of the controlling model
Strengthening appropriate behaviours
Reducing inappropriate behaviours
Classroom discipline
Targeted interventions
Individualised interventions
Critique of behaviourism

Part three: A guidance approach
Overview of a guidance approach
Meeting students' basic needs: Wellbeing and safety
Meeting students' need for self-esteem: Worth and competence
Meeting students' social needs: Affiliation and connection
Meeting students' need for autonomy: Voice and choice
Meeting students' 'luxury' needs: Purpose and happiness
Facilitating learning: Competence and confidence
Communication skills
Providing support
Revealing solutions
Critique of a guidance approach

Part four: Applications
Attention deficits
Resolving aggression and bullying

Part five: Beyond the classroom
Collaborating with parents
Supporting teachers
Formulating policy about student behaviour


Behaviour management in the classroom can be one of the most challenging aspects of teaching, but with the right approach it can be rewarding and enriching for both student and teacher. The new edition of this best selling textbook provides a systematic and thoroughly updated overview of the major theories and styles of discipline in schools.

Drawing on the latest international research, the book outlines how teachers can develop a personal style in classroom management based on a sound understanding of theory. The emphasis is on proactive, authoritative approaches to discipline to engage students and facilitate the achievement of educational and social goals. The author demonstrates how it is within the power of schools and teachers to create the conditions under which even disadvantaged or disenchanted students strive to learn.

Behaviour in Schools 3E is the essential handbook for all trainee teachers and NQTs and a valuable reference for more experienced teachers who want to develop their approach to complex behavioural challenges.